24 de MARZO de 2023: Exploring the Outer Boundaries of Antitrust: Democracy, Sustainability, and Industrial Policy

red 15 febrero, 2023
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This event will be hosted live in Madrid, Spain at Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid and live streamed starting at 10 am CET. Link available soon.

The conference explores the shifting goals and rationales for competition law and unpacks the complex questions underlying the calls for antitrust law to “do more.”

AGENDA: Friday March 24, 2023

09:00: Registration and breakfast
10:00: Introduction by the Organizers 

Lazar Radic, Senior Scholar for Competition Policy, International Center for Law & Economics

Antonio Robles, ​​Director of European Documentation Center, Universidad Carlos III

10:05: Opening Keynote 

María Pilar Canedo, Board member of the Spanish Comisión Nacional de Los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC)

10:30- 11:15: Debate: Should Antitrust Pursue Broader Social Goals? 

Giorgio Monti, Professor of Competition Law, Tilburg Law School

Nicolas Petit, Joint Chair in Competition Law at the Department of Law and at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute

ModeratorThibault Schrepel, Associate Professor of Law, Vrije Universiteit

11:45- 13:00: Panel 1: Is Political Power an Antitrust Problem? 

Filippo Lancieri, Postdoctoral Researcher, ETH Zurich

Geoffrey Manne, President & founder, International Center for Law & Economics

Francisco Marcos, Professor of Law, IE Law School

Barack Orbach, Professor of Law, University of Arizona

ModeratorAinhoa Veiga, Partner at Araoz & Rueda

14:30-15:45: Panel 2: Can and Should Policymakers use Competition Enforcement to Promote Sustainability Goals? 

Maurtis Dolmans, Partner, Cleary Gottlieb

Julian Morris, Senior Scholar, International Center for Law & Economics

Julian Nowag, Associate Professor of Law, Lund University

Cento Veljanovski, Founder and Managing Partner,Case Associates


16:15-17:30: Panel 3: Antitrust and Industrial Policy or Antitrust as Industrial Policy? 

Frederic Jenny, Chairman, OECD Competition Committee

Wendy Ng, Associate Professor of Law, Melbourne Law School

Don Rosenberg, Resident Fellow, University of California San Diego

Angela Wigger, Associate Professor of International Relations, Radboud University

ModeratorLazar Radic, Senior Scholar for Competition Policy, International Center for Law & Economics

17:35: Closing Remarks  

Geoffrey Manne, President & founder, International Center for Law & Economics

Santiago Martinez Lage, President, Ayala de la Torre Abogados

17:45: Champagne Social

This event is co-organized with UC3M (Antonio Robles) and it is financed, in part, by the following plan: Plan Nacional de I+D del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PID2020-114549RB-I00).

Información de web: https://laweconcenter.org/events/exploring-the-outer-boundaries-of-antitrust-democracy-sustainability-and-industrial-policy/

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